Treatment for fungus between the toes of the feet or hands

The most common cause of mycotic disease is a fungus between the fingers, where it forms a favorable environment for a variety of micro-organisms. In certain conditions, there may be several dermatophytes and the spores of moulds and yeasts fungi. The first sign of their activity a little bit of itching, which may accompany the burning sensation of varying intensity.

The fungus

Because between the fingers of the feet appears the fungus

The space between the toes actively running when you walk there, you can experience an intense sweating, you accumulate its products, formed warm, moist environment. Penetrates the infection, there is the risk of mycotic disease. In normal conditions, the immunity is not terrible, regular maintenance, full professor of hygiene, withdraw the risk of disease. The reason for the development of infection may be hidden in diseases, when the body suffers:

  • the lack of vitamins;
  • dysbiosis;
  • disorders of the endocrine system and diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the lymphatic vessels;
  • hyperhidrosis.

Favorable background are the periods of pregnancy and lactation, microtrauma to the covering of the skin, hypothermia of the limbs. Other factors causing interdigital fungus, are:

  • tight little-dimensional shoes in fake leather and other synthetic materials;
  • excessive workload;
  • prolonged treatment with antibiotics.

In these conditions, public baths, swimming pools, beaches, close contact with an infected, the use of elements of other people's wardrobe increase the risk of contracting athlete.

As seems to be a fungus at the foot between the toes

Interdigital type of mycosis is not a time, it manifests obvious symptoms. In the first period, the infection can develop without symptoms, while a slight itching between the fingers is often ignored. If this phase goes away without treatment, the disease becomes more pronounced signs:

  • are too many seals, the plantar parts of the stop;
  • you notice increased sweating, which is accompanied by a strong unpleasant smell;
  • it enriches the itching is much stronger than the normal itching between the fingers;
  • the cover the skin begins to flake off;
  • in the area of the tip of the nose skin, cracks form, bleeding wounds and sores;
  • you can see a spot or more of these formations that is not specific to the yellow and gray, which gradually increase in size;
  • to form vesicles, redness surrounding land.

In a state of abandonment and fungus on the toes of the foot enters in onychomycosis. Initially, the fungus occurs on the little toe or hit your thumb, then pass to the rest. The nail plate turn yellow and deform. Increases the risk of a switch to the fungus at hand. For the gravity losses are three forms of fungal infections, which differ by their own set of signs:

  1. Squamous been less and less of the other is opposed to therapy, its symptoms are swelling of the affected areas, desquamation of epithelial atypical lustre of the skin, deformation of the nails.
  2. The Hyperkeratotic variant is more complex in the treatment and painful sensations, depending on the location of redness between the fingers of the hands or feet, form vesicles in conjunction with the eruption, visible thickening of affected bags to grow, there are sites that begin to rise up around.
  3. Intertriginous form can be continuation squamous, develop in-house, with its beginning of the nose skin on the toes, in which the manifestations of swelling, redness, inflammation, desquamation, skin lesions are in the vast erosion.

Pharmacological treatment

Treatment for fungus between the toes of the foot begins with the diagnosis, the corresponding examination assign profile (medical mycologist, dermatologist, or infectious diseases). According to the results of the diagnostic procedures defined as therapy more effective. It takes place with the application of a medication drugs for external and oral administration, folk remedies. To the first group belong the various types of ointments, syrups, tablets drugs.


Ointment fungus between the toes is particularly effective in the early stages, when the skin is slightly scratched, it is noticed a slight peeling. Regular application within one month is usually enough to get rid of the pathogen. To accelerate the positive effect it is recommended to pre-cleaning and steaming stop. The list of such products is wide.


Another type of medication, the use local. These tools by fungi apply compresses and lotions between the toes. Diluted in water, can be used for the reception of trays. Of pharmacy of funds in liquid form are available pharmaceutical ointments.


Often medication of this form applies when interdigital fungus in the running, you need a systemic treatment. Has integrated antimycotic and healthy action on the body as a whole.

Usually the intake of tablets blends with the external media, their peers. The complex of medicines for the systemic therapy is determined by the patient's physician, the medication can lead to complications and strong collateral events.

Folk remedies

The solution

Medicinal formations of this category are used as auxiliary means in a complex treatment, for the purposes of prevention. Independent revitalising effect it can give if the athlete's foot between the toes was not finished an early stage. The compositions can be prepared improvised in the house, usually it is salt or sodium for baths, various herbal additives.

Popular and convenient method for prevention and quick recovery, when it was first discovered molesting a symptom. The most simple recipe requires gallons of water, heated to body temperature, two tablespoons of salt or baking soda. After stirring until dissolution is complete:

  • foot immersed in a container;
  • take up to 30 minutes;
  • steam foot cleans seals the skin particles of the epidermis.

Steaming takes place at least once a day, preferably during the night. When suspicions about inter-digital defeat, the athlete may be combined with ointments, other external medicines for full recovery.

Herbal baths

For these lenses can be used fresh or dried to the costs of their own production, their pharmacy pharmaceutical. Usually the broth is made from a dry mixture the celandine diluted chamomile and plantain:

  • three tablespoons pour a liter of boiled water;
  • foot hold not less than 20 minutes;
  • clean the epithelium from particles of dead skin.

The treatment is indicated for the prevention and in the initial phase of the athlete's foot up to complete healing.

Lotions with vinegar

The elements necessary for these lotions are 9% acetic acid solution, packing discs of cotton, 2 packages of polyethylene. The sequence of execution:

  • pads soaked are superimposed on the affected area, if necessary, fixed in plaster;
  • on the foot wear-cooked packages, tighten the neck;
  • survive 5 minutes;
  • after the removal of the agreements and buffer skin washed with warm running water.

For the decontamination of soil useful to use iodine is a weak solution, or hydrogen peroxide. Can be applied novocaine, which soothes itching, relieves burning sensation.



To prevent the fungus on the skin between the toes a lot easier to get rid of deep-rooted infection. Relevant prevention programs for these purposes are

  • wear schist, the other changing shoes in public baths, swimming pools or showers;
  • the treatment of the foot rates aerosol after their visit;
  • the use of shoes of the size, natural materials, their close of the foot;
  • the physical activity, the constant monitoring of health conditions;
  • disinfection of shoes, personal belongings, bedding, flooring, if there are family infected.

For the status of the health of the feet is useful to combine regular hygiene procedures with periodic application baths indicated, or similar recipes.