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  • After seeing an advertisement about foot fungus remedies on TV, many people switch channels and think: "This has nothing to do with me, I will never have fungus! ". If so, that would be great, but it is much easier to get this infection than you think, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it.
    14 March 2021
  • How does soda by fungus of the toenails? Basic recipes to learn, from personal experience on the effectiveness and outcomes of patients.
    1 September 2019
  • How to cure onychomycosis is determined by the doctor depending on the degree of change in the nail plate, the clinical form, degree of hyperkeratosis and the length of the affected area. For the treatment apply the tools of impact at the local level (ointments, drops, sprays, paints) and general functioning.
    31 August 2019
  • Fungus that hits the nail on the legs, one by one, makes them not only attractive, but aesthetically unacceptable. The feet change color and texture, lose their integrity and can emit a stink. Get rid of nail fungus of the feet can be a popular and pharmacy drugs.
    18 April 2019